Corporate Training
“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the customer gets out of it.” – Peter Drucker
Personality Development Programme
Management Development Programme
Supervisory Development Programme
Executive Development Programme
Technical Orientation Programme
Quality Improvement Programme
Production Planning and Maintenance
Technical Orientation Programme
Inventory Management
Industrial Safety Management
Sales & services Management
Legal & Statuory Obligation and Tax Law
Cost & Financial Management
Office Management
Personality Development Programme
- Manners and Behaviours of Service People
- Six Thinking Hats
- Direct Attention Thinking Tools
- Time Management
- Team Building
- Self Development
- Quality of Work Life
- Self Motivation
- Stress Management
- Yoga and Mediation
- Happy Family Life
- Listen and Learn
Management Development Programme
- Team Building and Conflict Management
- Managerial Effectiveness
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Effective Communication for Managerial Success
- Process of Management
- Developing Sub – ordinates
- How to Set-up Personnel Department
- Training need Identification
- Business Process Re-Engineering
- Manners and Behaviors of Service People
- Performance appraisal and Project Management
- Work culture and work Ethics
- Management Information Systems
- Management of Internal Audit
- Industrial Security Management
- Wastage Management
- Total Productivity Improvement
- Cost Effective Management
- Prevention of Absenteeism
- Selection of Personnel
- Transactional Analysis
- Manufacturing Excellence
- Organizational Assessment and Diagnostic Planning
- Enhancing Managerial Capability through Stress Management
- Empowerment
- 7 Habits of High Effective People
- First Aid
- Excellence in Execution using Balanced Scorecard
- Layered Process Audit
- Memory Isometric Source
- Six Thinking Hats
- Direct Attention Thinking Tools
- Management by Lateral Thinking
- Conducting Domestic Enquires
- Art of Delegation
- Effective Communication Techniques
- Business Ethics
- Pre-Retirement Counseling
- Creativity in work Environment
- Problem solving and Decision Making
- Goal setting and achieving
- Risk Factors and Risk Taking Ability
- Win / Win Approach
- Listen and Learn
- Assertive Training
- Quality Performance Appraisal
- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Positive Thinking and Accepting Change
Supervisory Development Programme
- Family Support Responsibilities
- Work Culture and Work Ethics
- Empowerment
- How to manage Power & Politics in Corporate
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- How to be and Effective Trainer
- Memory Isometric Source
- Six Thinking Hats
- Direct Attention Thinking Tools
- Role of Supervisor
- Supervisory Skill Development.
- Time Management
- Team Building
- Self Development
- Quality of work Life
- Self Motivation
- Stress Management
- Art of Delegation
- Effective Communication Techniques
- Pre-Retirement Counselling
- Creativity in Work Environment
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Goal Setting and Achieving
- Win / Win Approach
- Listen and Learn
- Assertive Training
- Human Relations Development
Executive Development Programme
- Corporate Financial Disclosure Tactics
- Working Capital Management
- Corporate Communication for Image Building
- Evolving, Performing, Organisation Through People
- Emotional Intelligence for Entrepreneurial Growth
- Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage
- Managing Organizational Change
- Competitive Excellence Critical success Factors
- Economic Tools for Bette Business Planning
- Leadership for Excellence
- Work culture and work Ethics
- Performance Appraisal and project Management
- Policy work Management
- Emotional Quotient for Executives
- Management of turn Around and Transformation
- Enhancing Corporate Productivity for Competitiveness
- Empowerment
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Executive Discipline Proceedings
- Business Ethics
- Goal Setting and Achieving
- Risk Factors and Risk Taking Ability
- Win / Win Approach
- Listen and Learn
- Assertive Training
- Human Relations Development
- Beat the Recession
- Quality Performance Appraisal
- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Positive Thinking and Accepting Change
- Tune your skills for success
Technical Orientation Programme
- Advanced tool design using Pro-E
- Basic electrical engineering
- Boring machines theory and operation
- CNC operation
- Design of fixtures and gauges
- Engineering drawing
- Fundamental theories of machine shop
- Gauge workshop
- Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
- Heat treatment techniques
- Industrial engineering techniques
- Instrumentation and control system
- Metal finishing techniques
- Milling machine theory and practice
- Press tool basics and design
- Theory of constraints
- Tool design
- Value engineering
Quality Improvement Programme
- 7 Q.C. Tools.
- Bench Marking.
- Quality Function Development.
- QS 9000 QMS.
- ISO – 9000 QMS.
- Workshop on QS 9000.
- Statistical Techniques for QS 9000
- Workshop on Q-7 Tools.
- Workshop on N-7 Tools.
- Quality System Audit.
- Quality Circle.
- SQC Techniques.
- New 7 Tools on QC.
- SPC Techniques.
- Quality Internal Auditing.
- Kaizen.
- ‘5’ S Activities.
- House Keeping.
- Control Charts to Improve Productivity.
- Quality Cost Analysis and Profitability.
- TQM Principles and Practice.
- ISO 9000 2008 Internal Auditor Training.
- Awareness on ISO 9001-2008 Awareness
- ISO 14000: 2004 Awareness Program.
- Information Security Management Systems ISO 27001:2005
- Principles and Practices of Analytical Problem Solving
- Poke -Yoke (Mistake Proofing)
- Creating a world class visual factory
- Toyota production system
- Rapid Prototyping
- Environmental Internal Auditor (EMS 14000)
- ISO / TS 16949 : 2002 Awareness
- Internal Quality Auditor on (ISO / TS 16949 : 2002)
- 8D Problem solving
- Lean Manufacturing
- 3M Techniques
- FMEA 4th Edition
Production Planning and Maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance & Predictive Maintenance
- Productivity Improvement Techniques.
- Cost Reduction Throu Elimination of Waste.
- Optimized maintenance Planning
- Bearing Maintenance
- Effective Maintenance of Cooling Systems
- Condition monitoring of Electrical Equipments
Technical Orientation Programme
- CNC Operation
- Metrology and Calibration
- Fundamental Theories of Machine Shop
- Milling Machine Theory and Practice
- Workshop Practice and Quality
- Boring Machines Theory and Operation.
- Press tool basics and Design.
- Welding Technology.
- Basic Electrical Engineering.
- Engineering Drawing.
- Workshop Calculation.
- Industrial Organization.
- Machine Tool Maintenance.
- Tool Design.
- Work Study
- Value Engineering.
- Welding Defects, Analysis ( Using NDT & DT)
- Machinery FMEA
- Low cost Automation using PLC
- Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance (GD & T )
- Best Soldering Practices
- Advanced Energy Conservation techniques
- Industrial Hydraulics made easy
- Industrial Hydraulics Maintenance & Trouble Shooting
- Painting Techniques
- Competency Matrix
- Gauge Workshop.
- Effective Operation and Maintenance of Boilers.
- Die Design in Pressure Die Casting
- Pressure Die Casting Die Maintenance
- Pressure Die Casting
- Product Design in Pressure Die Casting
- Pressure Die Casting – Casting Defects and remedies
- Innovation in Pneumatics with PLC
- Instrumentation and Control System.
- Industrial Engineering Techniques.
- Design of Experiments
- Mechatronics & Robotics
- Design of Punch & Dies for sheet metal
- Design of Jigs & Fixtures
- Heat Treatment & Metallurgy Including Cryogenics
- Water Treatment Practices – Ion Exchange Membrane Technology, Ro,etc.,.
Inventory Management
- Enhancing profitability through effective inventory control
- Logistics & Supply chain management
- Effective negotiations skills for purchase managers
- Vendor development & supply chain
- Spare Parts Management
- Supplier Development
- How to make customer delighted
Industrial Safety Management
- Sustaining the Safety Movement in the Industry
- Occupational Safety. Health & Hygiene
- Safety in Operations
- Statutory Requirements Related to Safety Health and Environment
- Accident Investigation
- Risk Analysis
- On site / Off site Emergency Preparedness
- Electrical Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Fire Safety
- Gas cylinders Safety
- Occupational Hazards in Industry
- Occupational Dust
- Personnel Protective Equipments
- Statutes Related to Safety Health and Environment
- Awareness of Safety
- Safety Audits and Inspections
- Hazard Identification HAZOP Analysis
- OHSA 18001 Awareness
- Internal Quality Auditor for (OHSA 18001)
- Modern Security Systems & Procedures
Sales & services Management
- Sales Force Motivation For Achieving Excellence
- Customer Relationship Management
- Customer Relation
- Sales and Strategic Management
- Customer Satisfaction and its Measurement
Legal & Statuory Obligation and Tax Law
- Coverage of Employees under Different Labor Laws
- Labour Regulations and Factory Act
- Labour Laws ad Industrial Relations
- Income Tax
- Trade Union Dynamics & Negotiating Techniques
- Central Excise
- Export , Import Policy Procedure’s -wto obligations
Cost & Financial Management
- Finance for Non-Finance Executives
- Total Cost Management for Competitive Advantage
- Investment Research for Fund Managers
- Financial Derivatives for Risk Management
- How to Prepare a Cost Effective Budget
Office Management
- Paper Work Discipline
- Telephone Handling Skills and Office Etiquette
- Ms – Office
- Ms – Excel Advanced
- Ms- Power point Advanced
- Project through Ms – Project ( Using Laptop)